Back when I was in Chiropractic College I was in a pool tournament at my classmate Adam’s bachelor party. The tournament was set up with pairs playing against pairs until the last pair standing played each other. Winning prize was an IPod (state of the art back then) so the stakes were high.

I was paired with one of my classmates who was a real pool shark named Aaron. Aaron came up with the strategy that whenever it was my turn to shoot he would look at the angles, tell me where to aim, which ball to sink etc. I was nowhere near the pool player he was. But his strategy worked perfectly. After the tournament we were the last pair standing!

Everyone assumed that Aaron would dispatch me easily and take home the IPod. Problem for him was with each shot I was steadily gaining confidence and somehow I ended up beating him! All were shocked (especially Aaron and I) and I kinda sorta felt bad winning the IPod (not really though).

Point of the story? A good coach can really work wonders with a willing player. In this case, we had a common goal of winning, and I was willing to defer my very limited knowledge and skill at pool to his expertise. If I hadn’t it was unlikely we would have won the tournament and had the chance to take home the prize.

Same goes in the office with my patients. When we work together, assuming we have a common goal (them getting and staying well and me helping them do so) the patient defers to the knowledge and skill I’ve acquired in 14 years of practice.

We can run into a problem when in this example the patient doesn’t want to work with the coach (me) and wants to decide things like where they should be adjusted, how they should be adjusted, how often they should come, what home care they should or shouldn’t do etc. There is certainly room for preferences (i.e. patient prefers drop table vs. manual adjustment) but it just seems bests results come when I have the freedom to care for the patient in the best way that I think will get them to their goal.

As an aside, I work with lots of patients who are in banking, finance, real estate, accounting, fitness (basically anyone who provides a service that requires expertise) and they all feel the same. They can do their best when they have a client that is willing to give what they can do a try.

Perhaps you need someone to coach you to better health, relief from a condition or better quality of life. Just like Aaron was for me, maybe I could be that for you. But please promise when you reach your goal you won’t take the IPod and go home 

Dr. Pete

P.S. If you haven’t had a chance to check out my podcast you can here —-> Give a listen and let me know what you think!

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