I am writing to you from my hotel room in Ottawa and will shortly be heading out to a soccer field for my son Chris’ game. We drove up yesterday and I had Chris take a picture of the sign as we passed through Kingston. When I was in Chiropractic school at CMCC in Toronto I had the fortune of meeting many amazing chiropractors who became mentors for me. Two of them were Dr.’s Carl Weber and Martha Collins who practiced in Kingston at the time. These two Doctors are wonderful human beings AND great Adjusters! I’m sure you know that I practice what I preach as a chiropractor and get adjusted regularly and have done so since my days of chiropractic school. For me, there is NOTHING LIKE A GOOD ADJUSTMENT to instantly change how I feel – not because I am in pain and need relief but I really enjoy how I feel physically and mentally after.

Back when I was in school on a cold Saturday afternoon in February I was feeling off and called Dr’s Weber and Collins who invited me up to their office. My wife and I hopped in our car and drove 3 hours to Kingston, and, got an amazing adjustment! Truth be told we didn’t do this just once but a number of times!

I was and still am picky about who takes care of my spine and nerve system with chiropractic and you may feel the same way. I know some of you drive over an hour ONE WAY to get your adjustment from me. And I don’t take that lightly. I do my best to show up to the office ready to focus and care for you and give you the best adjustment possible that will improve your day, week and LIFE.

Have a great weekend!

Dr. Pete

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